I love how the color of the beer sort of matches her jacket and her ring. If you are a new visitor, check back once a week for a new picture featuring beer, Munich, Oktoberfest, and pretty girls.
I'm calling this post "Pschorr Bräu" because that looks like the brew she's drinking. When I was in Munich most people didn't bother to say "Hacker-Pschorr" because it was just too much to say. It was always just "Pschorr Bräu" as if it was one word. Is that still true today? I've dediced that the best thing is for me to post one new picture a week until next Oktoberfest. Since Oktoberfest starts on a Saturday, check back each Saturday. And, of course, you are always welcome to submit your own to me by email. Prost!
This is my tribute to some of my favorite things: Munich, Oktoberfest, beer and pretty girls. To inaugurate this tribute here is one of my favorite pictures of all four. Cheers!