Monday, March 31, 2008

Birreria Paradiso, huh? Italian for "Damn Good Beer"

First blog post ever, awwww what a special moment.

Let's get down to it, this blog is primarily about beer, hell yeah! In particular all things beer going on around the DC area, but I'm sure beer from other places will sneak its way onto (into?) this blog spot
(super weak, I know) . Oh yeah, I'm sure Hokie football and other random things will make it onto this blog spot as well.

I found myself at Georgetown University this past Saturday afternoon, walking around the campus with my lovely wife M. After a brisk walk from the Rosslyn metro stop and around campus, I managed to work up a nasty thirst.

What to do when thirsty and in Georgetown? When in Rome ... Go to the basement of Pizza Paradiso. If you haven't been to Paradiso yet (what are you waiting for?), its on the 3200 block of M Street. This place has got the best draft beer selection in Georgetown. The taps are always changing and they are rarely boring.

For my first selection I went with the Allagash Curieux on cask. Wow, what great beer to have on cask. This beer had the light body of a belgian triple, but with serious bourbon undertones. If your a fan of bourbon and beer, look no further. If you get some in the store definitely let it warm up to at least 45 - 50 degrees before drinking.

My second selection was the Oskar Blues Ten Fidy. First, let me say that I love Oskar Blues, if you've never had a can of Dale's (worlds best tailgating beer) or Old Chub get's some. That being said I was somewhat disappointed with this selection. Ever since the 2007 Great American Beer Fest I have been hearing great things about this brew and I found it somewhat unspectacular. Not a bad beer by any stretch of the imagination, I just had expectations of this surpassing Storm King as my favorite Imperial Stout.

M had a Brooklyn Blast which was a nicely done double IPA. She also had an Acme IPA, which was pretty tame in comparison to the Blast.

We split a pizza and had some damn good beer, not a bad Saturday.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Round for the table

Dude: Let me get a round for the table.
Fräulein: But you are all alone at the table? Twelve beers for one man?
Dude: The Dude imbibes. The Dude imbibes.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Asia meets Oktoberfest

Anyone who has ever been to Oktoberfest knows how popular it is among Asian tourist. I've read that Oktoberfest has even been reincarnated in Japan, right down to the smallest Om-pa band detail. Now that's my kind of globalization.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Beerware the Ides of March

It's Oktoberfest Dude's birthday today. Beerware the Ides of March. Many cheers!

Friday, March 7, 2008

The most popular Oktoberfest girl around

When I first started looking for images of Oktoberfest I started from the most logical place: google images. And this is probably the most common image you'll see. I don't know who she is, but I love the smiles and I love the beers. Prost!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Märzen beer

It's March 1st, the beginning of the month when Märzen beer is brewed for Oktobefest. Only six more months until Oktoberfest. More beer, more girls, and more pictures to come. Cheers!