Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Laryngospasms -"Waking Up is Hard to Do"

For anyone who has had surgery, you will completely understand this song...  I find it so funny, so really listen to the words, plus the video is quite amusing.

These guys are practicing Anesthesiologists and don't sound half-bad at singing, so if malpractice insurance gets too expensive, I think they have another career to fall back on.  

Hofbräu Girls

Cartoon of the Day - It's That Time of the Year

Welcome back to school... now get out there and SELL, SELL, SELL!!!

{Click to Enlarge}

I sure don't miss those days, I think I still have some gift wrap and my boys are 18 and 22. TeeHee   

Monday, September 27, 2010


dah lama dah x update blog ni..seyes x de masa and sumtimes malas r nak update..banyak sgt keje..ha, tu lah sapa suruh bertangguh dari sebelum balik raya till dah naik study balik..aisey..mmg banyak sampai rasa nak pecah pale otak ni..research+reports+assignments+presentations..giler r..dalam masa 2-3 weeks je lagi sebelum minggu study for finals..aduss...but luckily i have friends yang rajin

Orlando Look Out for My Bloggy Friends

Thanks to these spectacular ladies: Trisha of Momdot, Kim of What's That Smell and Nicole of Good Golly Miss Blondie,  the first weekend of November, 35 absolutely fabulous bloggers will be descending on the Orlando area for an adventure known as Brandcation... and I have the pleasure of being one of those women.  WooHoo!!!
This small group of women will be participating in an event arranged to

It's Monday. Prost!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Monday's Music Moves Me: Water, Water Everywhere

Welcome back to our rockin' good meme Monday's Music Moves Me! The exciting music meme that XmasDolly and I are hosting, now along with Larry from Cakeblast and Callie from JamericanSpice. Won't you play along... here are the rules:

First step: You need to run on over to You Tube, (or wherever your find your songs/videos) and get your pick for the day according to the theme. Upcoming

Fall Forgiveness

I've been thinking about forgiveness a lot lately.  This is something that is not easy for many people, and can even make them angry to consider.  I guess this post is a call-back to last week, and our tendency to fear.  Forgiveness can help with fear, in my experience.

There was an article in the newspaper about two police officers who had been shot in the face at close range by a psychotic teen.  Horrible.  They lived and are back working in the force, but are not the same.  One in particular said he now knows that no-one can be trusted.  The other day the paper also related the story of some men who went into a Culver's openly carrying their handguns (which is legal).  Patrons became nervous, police were called, and eventually the men were fined for disturbing the peace.  When interviewed, they said that you never know when someone is going to beat your head in, so you should be prepared. 

(I generally refuse to read much of the paper, not surprisingly.)

This week a number of friends were relaying their dismay and anger regarding incidents that for them recalled past harms they had experienced, even though the new incidents didn't touch them directly.  Totally human response.  I know that there are certain things that will clearly, if briefly, send me mentally back to past fears and hurts as if I'm experiencing them all over again, with the same dangers and threats.  There is little worse than thinking you are over something and then finding that some minor incident throws you right back into your previous state of mind.  I've worked for many years to overcome specific traumas, fears, and worries.  It is a practice, like meditation.  Never quite achieve perfection, but gets a little better each time I succeed.

For me, forgiveness was and is key.  Now, my husband and I disagree on this point.  He feels that some things and people should not be forgiven, and that you can move on with your life without forgiving.  I disagree.  I understand what he is saying, and intellectually it even makes some sense.  But, for me, I was never able to move on until I forgave.

I believe that letting go and forgiveness go hand in hand.  I'm not excusing what has happened, not condoning evil or harm, not saying, "Hey, that's fine and dandy!"  I'm removing my attachment and feelings toward that act or person, and releasing the tie that binds me to the ill.

My good buddy the Dalia Lama has much to say on this, and I'm right there with him.

The funny thing about forgiveness in my experience, is that you have to forgive twofold.  First, you forgive the person or act or whatever it is that caused you harm.  Second, you forgive yourself for being there to be hurt, allowing yourself to be hurt, not doing something sooner, not doing anything at all, not being better, not being smarter, etc.  That's the toughie.   It doesn't help that many ignorant people say things like, "I'd never put up with that," or "I'd never let that happen to me."  Gee, thanks.  Guess I'm just stupid. (expletives come to mind)

Wow.  Forgiving myself is not easy.  I'm intelligent, educated, blah blah blah.  How could I let myself get into that situation?  Why didn't I see sooner?  Here come the accusatory questions again.  Breathe.  We are all human and we do the best that we can.  We have reasons and motives that keep us doing what we're doing, cause us to choose the friends and associates we have, lead us to decisions made.  Bottom's OK. 

Forgiveness feels really good to the forgiver.  To heck with the forgivee.  Once I've forgiven someone, they usually are essentially a blank to me.  The negative feelings go away, the triggers go away, the hot buttons go away, and I don't have to live in fear of being struck from behind by a memory.  To me that's peace, and worth every penny.

Andy's carbonara pizza

Having an enthusiastic and talented chef as a roommate definitely has its perks. For as much as Andy can appreciate and manipulate dishes of magnificent quality, he is equally passionate about some of the lower echelons of culinary exploration, such as the quintessential pizza and beer combination. Truly, if there is a better pairing of food and drink I haven't yet found it.

Having said that, there's certainly nothing wrong with run-of-the-mill pizza pies from any number of chain establishments or your grocery's freezer; there's always a time and a place for some cheap eats. However, if it's something a bit higher class that you yearn for and you don't mind putting a little elbow grease into it, I recommend the herb pizza dough available at Trader Joe's. I find it to crisp up nicely while leaving a gooey trail within the crust. For our particular experiment this night, we gathered up some of the best dry and sharp cheeses, along with some fresh arugula and herbs smattered on top of a thick, creamy, mushroom sauce that smothered the misshapen pie to ultimately be crowned with a halo of fresh eggs (cracked at the very end to ensure maximum runny-ness while avoiding that pesky salmonella). I can't truly explain the details without my mouth suddenly becoming full of saliva in a desperate yearning for a recreation of the glory, so perhaps a visual is necessary.

When confronted with a particularly savory group dish, a quandary often presents itself soon into the meal. Does one A) scarf it down with relish to ensure as much possible goodness is selfishly consumed by oneself, or B) does one maintain a sense of decorum and savor each bite to maximize the pleasure time? Let's just say with two hungry boys standing between me and my fair share of the pizza, the entire concoction was gone within moments. A glorious triumph for pizza lovers everywhere.

Bloggy Blog Designz Giveaway

Bloggy Blog Designz is having a Giveaway!!! They are giving away all kinds of goodies. Plus ALL entrants will receive 20% off any purchase through the end of the month! Be sure to check out their website for more information, or to enter yourself. Take a look at their portfolio and packages to see what's right for you.

The first 5 entrants will receive a $15 giftcard. The giveaway will

More Pretty Oktoberfest Girls

Life Happens...

John Lennon said "life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." Lennon was shot dead outside his New York City home on December 8, 1980. He was 40 years old. I wonder what Lennon woke up worrying about that day - maybe it was his music, or his strained relationships with his band members, or the undone bed or dirty dishes... whatever it was, I am sure that on that day in December, Lennon was not worried about being killed by a deranged fan.

Last Thursday, Dr. Nash gave me the green light to stop worrying about cancer. Less than 24-hours later, my car was hit on the way home from school. It was not my fault, and there was no way I could have prevented it - the other driver just smashed right into me. Thankfully, no one was hurt, and as our good friend so wisely commented - it's much easier to fix cars than it is to fix people. The accident was not a life-altering event; it was just another reminder that some things are beyond our control.

My insurance agent called today and made it official - they have deemed my car a "total loss" worth a whopping $2,000. I own my car outright, so the idea of a car payment is unsettling. On the other hand, my car did have 174,000 miles on it - which is a lot considering that I rely on it for a daily 100 mile commute. So perhaps it's time for my first new car - in the end, it really doesn't matter much.

All that matters is that I get to come home every night to the love of my life and our beautiful home; all my friends and family are safe and healthy; and I find real meaning in my work. I'd say despite everything that's happened these last few months that I am one very lucky girl.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

They Like Me... They Really Like Me!!

My wonderful friend Dolly from XMasDolly has graced me with two awards and I am so grateful. Please head on over to her blog and check it out to see all the wonderful things she blogs about. She has great reviews, giveaways, terrific pictures of her family and we do a great meme together on Mondays called Monday's Music Moves Me - don't forget to come back to play along with us.

Here are the

Joke of the Day - Dodge City's Theatre Group

Dodge City was a rough town. Nevertheless, it had an excellent theatre group. One time it planned to perform the Swan Lake Ballet.

On the day of dress rehearsal, it was discovered that moths had gotten into the tutus. Everything was ruined. The producer placed a call to the Acme Costume Company in Wichita and learned they had plenty of tutus. The proprietor promised to ship the much

Dr. Nash and One Tasty Sandwich

Thursday, we went back to Manhattan for a follow-up appointment with Dr. Nash. Unfortunately, his office is just a few blocks from the UN, where President Obama was addressing the world's leaders at the UN General Assembly. Street closures and thousands of police made navigating in and out of the island a little like the 1981 Kurt Russell movie, Escape from New York.

While the logistics to and from my appointment were a nightmare, the appointment itself couldn't have gone more smoothly. Dr. Nash said that my wound was officially closed, and that I didn't need to see him again until my next CT scan in six months. Going forward, I will have to have CT scans - at a minimum - every year for the rest of my life. It's a small inconvenience that I really don't mind; frankly, there is something comforting in knowing that Dr. Nash is going to be following me so closely for years to come.

We usually try to eat at one of our favorite Manhattan haunts when we see Dr. Nash, but because of the UN traffic, we opted instead to grab a gourmet sandwich from Pret A Manger on the way to the parking deck. It was beautiful (the sandwich, not the parking deck) - made with hummus and roasted tomatoes.

If you've never heard of Pret A Manger, you are missing out. It was started in London by a couple of college friends with one goal - to create handmade natural sandwiches and salads, without using any additives or preservatives. In their own words, they describe Pret as "a cross between a good restaurant, an Italian coffee bar and a bullet train." Every night, they get a shipment of local produce, which they use to create delicious products "to go"; anything not used or sold is donated to City Harvest, a local NYC charity, at the end of the day. Incredibly, they have donated over 90,000 lbs of homemade, fresh food to help feed hungry New Yorkers. Bravo Pret.

Three More Oktoberfest Girls

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I Have a Favor to Ask of You.....

I have entered one of my doggies in a contest on Facebook for PetSmart.  Here is the photo that I have submitted of Lady Mia in her Halloween costume, if she wins, she will win a part in a PetSmart commercial.  Well, I think she is definitely cute enough, but I'm not the one judging, so I would really appreciate if you would go over to Facebook and vote for my baby.

Thank you so much for

Two Blonde Oktoberfest Girls


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Welcome Autumn

On September 22, 2010 at 11:09 p.m. Autumn arrived in the USA.
I hope all of you had a marvelous summer and that Fall brings you health, happiness, love and prosperity... along with not too many leaves to rake up.    

Cartoon of the Day - Deer Season

Wordless Wednesday: Florida Stormy Skies


For more Wordless Wednesday go to the WW Hub, link your post and visit the other participants.

Beer and Girls!

A perfect combination!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Three Oktoberfest Girls

Okay, who is the creepy guy peeking over the shoulders of the girls? We need to photoshop him out.

Too Funny Not to Share - With My Apologies

I know this is a sensitive subject to make fun of, but this made me laugh and I needed to share it with you.

If it offends you, PLEASE accept my apologies and know that I mean no harm. I have been through it and totally understand all the feelings involved.

So without further adieu... DivorceEZ:

   Have a great day everyone! 

On and On... Do You Remember?

In honor of the 21st Night of September.... I give you Earth, Wind and Fire:

Hope you enjoyed it and it brought back memories. I have seen Earth, Wind and Fire live in concert and they have so much energy even now it is amazing. Have a great day everyone and find time to be with the ones you love.

Monday, September 20, 2010

More lovely Oktobefest Girls!

Since the Oktoberfest Dude can't make it to Munich this year, he can at least admire from afar.

Did You Ever Have One of Those Weeks?????

  Boy, oh boy, what a week this was for us... I am still recovering.

It started out on Monday, the 13th with my poor husband breaking a tooth eating an ice cream bar as we were picking up my prescriptions (which by the way cost $106 for 2 generic prescriptions, UGH!) - it was, of course after 5:00pm, so the dentist office was already closed.

Well, Tuesday I woke up to discover that Mandie,

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Monday's Music Moves Me

Welcome back to our rockin' good meme Monday's Music Moves Me! The exciting music meme that XmasDolly and I are hosting, now along with Larry from Cakeblast and Callie from JAmericanSpice.  Won't you play along... here are the rules:

First step: You need to run on over to You Tube, (or wherever your find your songs/videos) and get your pick for the day according to the theme. Upcoming themes

Change of perspective

Reading the Sunday paper is always a mixed blessing for me.  I love the funnies, travel section, and local stories.  I don't love the endless woes in places both near and far.  There are troubles, environmental issues, children's futures to worry about.  Or, are there?

There is no doubt that life has its downside.  I've been there, and so have all of you.  I hear people upset about the state of the world, shouting that we must change it or everything will crash down upon us.  Well, of course things need to change.  But, couldn't we try to improve the world from a position of gratefulness and joy rather than fear?  What I'm saying is that, if we really enjoy what we have and appreciate it every day, we'll want to keep things that way.  Help them get better, even.  Can we really make the world a better place by hating how it is now?

I know that for myself, if I have a task that I dislike, something that makes me cringe to remember it needs doing, that I'm much more likely to procrastinate and do nothing than if it is something I enjoy.  The things I'm good at, happy about, and grateful for rise to the top of my to-do list every time.  It just stands to reason that bigger issues fall into the same pattern.

I propose that we all stop for a minute and think of all the things we're thankful for.  Things that make life worth living.  Then, let's see how we can make even more things for which to be grateful, and help others do the same.  Seems that approach is much more sustainable than being afraid and stressed. 

So, today, enjoy, thank, and spread the good word. Take everything good in this world and multiply it in your own small way.  Then, things will change!

Prost to the second Day of Oktoberfest!

Shifting Focus

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeing new landscapes but in having new eyes." Marcel Proust

"Everything depends on our way of looking." Thich Nhat Hanh

The diagnosis of a potentially fatal disease makes us acutely aware of the impermanence of our existence, and forces us to reevaluate our contribution to the human story. Put plainly - we wonder how we will be remembered if we die. This mortal uncertainty breeds chaos, and from this chaos - all art is born, especially great works of literature.

I am teaching Siddhartha by Hesse in my senior World Literature Honors class. It's a bildungsroman (coming of age story) about a young man in ancient India who sets off on a path of self-discovery amongst Buddhist teachings. It was written in the 1950s by a Swiss author who was the son of Protestant missionaries, which evidences the fact that "truth" isn't confined to one religion or experience - it is a quest that sometimes requires us to visit unexplored lands and ideas in order to make sense of our own world and our place in it.

These distant landscapes that help illuminate our own individual truths can be literal or metaphorical, and certainly the "land of cancer" counts as a foreign place filled with epic battles that no one is particularly prepared to fight.

After my own cancer diagnosis, I dusted off my pocket survival manual for times of spiritual doubt: Living Buddha, Living Christ by Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh, who draws from both religious traditions to make an eloquent and insightful argument for peace. Both Jesus and Buddha stressed mindfulness - being aware that people everywhere suffer, and that our role in this world is not to avoid that suffering but rather to be part of its solution.

Part of the solution to our own suffering lies in our focus. "What is important is our insight into the nature of reality and our way of responding to reality...When you look at the blue sky and are aware of it, the sky becomes real, and you become real" (Thich Nhat Hanh). This sounds pretty mystical, but it's not. Basically he is saying that if we go around worrying and carrying anger with us, then that is the reality of the world; but if we stop and see the beauty in our lives, then our reality changes into something much more meaningful.

It's hard to close the door on negativity and self-doubt, but I'm going to try at least to wake up every morning and make an effort to turn the knob.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bus #1 has landed!

The first set of Brews Cruisers has made their way to Left Hand...

Bus #1 has landed!

The first set of Brews Cruisers has made their way to Left Hand...

Tight T-Shirt Day

In honor of today's Brews Cruise and GABF visitors, the men in production at Left Hand Brewing have declared today, "Tight T-Shirt Day"! Borrow a t-shirt from your wife or girlfriend and head on down to Left Hand to join in..

Tight T-Shirt Day

In honor of today's Brews Cruise and GABF visitors, the men in production at Left Hand Brewing have declared today, "Tight T-Shirt Day"! Borrow a t-shirt from your wife or girlfriend and head on down to Left Hand to join in..

Wordless Wednesday: Mommy and Mandie Napping


For more Wordless Wednesday go to the WW Hub, link your post and visit the other participants.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

2nd Annual LaVene Family Trail of Nightmares

I know it may seem like far away, but before you know it, Halloween will be here. So, if you are in the central Florida area, I invite you to our little community here in Celebration, FL to be scared out of your minds.... I mean entertained, at the 2nd Annual LeVene Family Trail of Nightmares!

The dates for the event, which has something for every member of the family - just check out their

Where Brooklyn at?

Above, a slightly edited camera phone picture from my trip to Brooklyn Brewery on Sunday.

We enjoyed some of the brewer reserve offerings, Blast and Detonation, as well as, the Weisse and Sarabrossa. All excellent beers. The chill environment at the brewery made for a relaxing visit. Highly recommended if you are in the NYC area.


SpaFinder Deal Days

During the week of September 20 - 26th, Spas all over the country will be offering several treatment specials for either $50.00 or 50% the regular price.  Just visit the SpaFinder website to find a spa in your area and schedule your mani-pedi, facial, aromatherapy massage or the many other services they have to offer.

You all work really hard... you deserve to treat yourself special.


Hollywood Changes People

{Image Credit: Comixed}

'Nuff said!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Veggie Grill, Hollywood, CA

I've said it once, I'll say it again- I expect to be disappointed when a restaurant caters to an exclusively vegan or vegetarian clientele. Moderation, in my opinion, is held in higher esteem than exclusion. That being said, when my fears prove to be unfounded, it's an extra thrill to experience some great eats sans meat. Veggie Grill in L.A. and Orange Counties is one of many of my friends' favorite haunts, and there's not a month that goes by where at least a carload of people pile into a car and head to the nearest location in Irvine for vegan goodies. I'm told everything on the menu is animal product free, and they assured me that I should have higher than usual expectations for the (strike one) CHAIN, and (strike two) VEGETARIAN ONLY restaurant.

Our latest trip to Hollywood brought us to one of their locations, and the menu surprised me at first glance. Nachos? Thai chicken? Not just the usual veggie burger and salad options, I see... a positive start. As I had ruined my major appetite with a sandwich earlier, I couldn't indulge in an entire meal, but went with an orange theme and got their all-natural carrot cake and side of mac n' cheese.

I have absolutely no idea how they did it, but this carrot cake was one of the best slices of dessert I have ever had. Completely moist and light without being gritty or having that strange off-texture that non-cow milk will sometimes incur, it was fresh and wonderful. A complete surprise.

I was told that if I tried only one thing it would have to be the mac n' cheese. Made with Daiya cheese, it was a first for me, and I found it to be one of the best alternative cheese options I've had to date. Not overly sticky or melty like a plastic crayon, it was the closest thing to actual cheese that I've tried thus far. Not by any means do I consider myself a faux cheese expert, but I've had my fair share and this was definitely in the top tier. The whole wheat noodles were topped with a toasted bread crumble, and the textures paired beautifully.

All in all, I was floored by the quality and variety of offerings and while I may not yet be a total believer in the all-vegan meal's ability to top its animal equivalent, Veggie Grill has taken me one large leap in that direction.

West Hollywood
8000 W Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90046
Phone 323.822.7575

Plaza El Segundo
720 Allied Way
El Segundo, CA 90245
Phone 310.535.0025

Irvine – University Center
4213 Campus Drive
Irvine, CA 92612
Phone 949.509.0003

Irvine Spectrum Center
81 Fortune Drive
Irvine, CA 92618
Phone 949.727.9900

How to Impress Your New Wife!

I found this on Wedinator and fell in love with it. The groom is Lin-Manuel Miranda, Broadway & Hollywood composer, actor, producer, writer, and director.  Take a look at what he did to surprise his new bride, Vanessa. It is beautiful..... Enjoy!

"L'Chiam" is one of my favorite songs from Fiddler on the Roof and now every time I hear it, I will think of this wonderful couple.  Wishing you all

School Days

"A healthy social life is found only, when in the mirror of each soul the whole community finds its reflection, and when in the whole community the virtue of each one is living." - Rudolf Steiner

A school is a microcosm of human experience, and it has a soul. It's not just a building with a bunch of desks and state issued textbooks. It's the administrator who creates a teaching schedule that allows you to heal; it's the department chair who hugs you twice because he's so happy you're back; it's your colleagues who great you with tears in their eyes and ask you to lean on them for support - and mean it; it's the students you had last year telling you how much they learned in your class; and it's the students you have this year smiling because they wanted you for a teacher. It's love. It's faith. It's where I work.

Too often we wait until someone is ill or in pain to tell them how much they mean to us. I'm guilty of that. Cancer was a blessing that allowed me to see how much I have touched other people's lives. I need to be better about showing others how much they have touched mine.

[VID] For You It's Separation to Me It's Waiting by DBSK Kim Jaejoong


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Monday's Music Moves Me

If you recall last Monday, I participated in my friend Dolly from XmasDolly's new meme Monday's Music Moves Me.  Well, I have news, now I am assisting Dolly in the hosting duties of this fun meme so please come on and join us, here's what you need to do:

First step: You need to run on over to You Tube, (or wherever your find your songs/videos, and get your pick for the day according to the
Touring and drinking brew at Brooklyn Brewing in Brooklyn. Great atmosphere! Brewmaster reserve Blast and Detonation are fantastic!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Have You Forgotten?

As we all know, on September 11, 2001 our country changed forever.....

As I am sure you all do, I remember exactly where I was and exactly how I felt when the world stopped turning.....

I know that you all have your memories from that very fateful day. How we cried for the innocent lives lost, for all the people left behind: the wives, the children, the parents, the brothers and sisters

Cheeser weezer

I have cheese on the mind.  I am a Wisconsin girl, after all.  But for some reason, this week cheese rules.

Yesterday, at work, we managers cooked breakfast for the staff.  I was in charge of eggs.  Now, I don't know about you, but for me scrambled eggs = 50% eggs + 50% cheese.  My eggs were very popular.  I cooked three dozen and could not keep up with demand.  Several people came back for seconds, and one young woman stopped back on her way to her desk and just, get this, spooned the eggs into her hand.  Again, you heard right.  She didn't even bother grabbing a plate, just put a spoonful into her hand and ate it like that.  Now, that is a compliment!

Earlier this week I made the trip across town to Steve's, a wine/liquor shop where they also have a wonderful selection of cheeses.  You see, I had a coupon from Groupon, and was eager to splurge.  I ended up with a delicious Italian salami, some smoked gouda (quickly becoming my favorite of all time), and a brie with bleu cheese veins.  Yum.  Today I am obsessed with manteche (top), which is provolone filled with butter, and burrata (bottom), which is mozzarella filled with cream.  Yes, you heard right.  I must have these cheeses.  Then I will be complete.

That same day I went to a fancy chocolate shop, DB Infusion Chocolates  Now, their treats are incredibly beautiful.  Glorious colors, shiny, interesting flavor combinations.  Make a great impression.  The two I tasted were a Thai peanut butter, which was like a peanut butter cup with Thai curry flavors.  The next one was dark chocolate with infusion of bleu cheese, fig balsamic vinegar (another favorite of mine), pear, and hickory nuts.  Mm.  For appearance and WOW, these chocolates are the thang, man.  But, my favorite chocolatier is still Gail Ambrosius  Gail is the best for three main reasons: 1.  She has the best name imaginable for a chocolatier, 2. She used to be a cartographer (the geographer in me will never die), and 3. Her chocolates draw me into a whole different state of mind.  Seriously, her truffles are almost a mind-altering experience.  I actually will cut her chocolates into four pieces, since my poor, mortal mind is nearly completely overwhelmed if I eat a whole one all at once.  The textures, flavors, and...I don't know.  She just totally GETS it.  Her truffles are an experience, not just a treat.  I cannot eat one without closing my eyes and feeling the world rush away, just for a moment.  So...go online or to her shop in east Madison and see for yourself. 

Oh, now, where was I?  Well, cheese and chocolate are in the same category.  Life's little pleasures.  Those things that cost very little yet yield so much.  In my book, that makes them among the most important things in life.  Read my book,'s pretty good!  I entreat you!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Bittersweet -- what the heck is that about?

Have just finished a tasty, fancy chocolate: pear, fig balsamic vinegar, bleu cheese, hazelnut.  I like dark chocolate, bittersweet chocolate, and even milk chocolate if it is the good stuff.  I like the odd mix of sour, tart, bitter, and sweet.  And yes, chocolate is like life (not the other way around, as chocolate reigns supreme in my mind).

I have started my new, dream job, and I'm really happy.  Well, it is my current dream job.  Dreams change, as we all know, and sometimes you just have to say, "Fine, this is my dream NOW so I'm just going to bleepin' GO WITH IT and quit worrying about if it is THE DREAM or not.  Sheesh."

 I have a beautiful friend who is facing some not-so-easy times right now.  The bitter times versus the sweet.  Key words there...bitter now versus sweet earlier.  Wait, wasn't there also a time when things were EVEN WORSE than they are now?  Hmmm...probably.  Yeah, come to think of it.  Well, doesn't make now any easier, but maybe it could.  Hmm.

The other night hubby and I watched Darby O'Gill and the Little People.  This is an awesome old movie, and if you haven't seen it you must.  Stars a very young and virile Sean Connery, SINGING.

Anyhoo, there is a scene in the movie where Darby, the old-timer who talks to the leprechauns, is trying to decide what wishes to make now that he has caught the leprechaun king. King Brian tells him to hurry up and wish for gold like everyone does.  But Darby says, "What good is gold if a man be too sick, or too sad to enjoy it?"  Well said, Darby.  At another point in the movie, Darby relays his stories to friends in the pub.  One tells him to wish for happiness.  Darby's answer?  "People need the bitter with the sweet." 

This is the point in the blog where I amaze you with my arcane and esoteric knowledge, as well as my ability to find connections where none exist.  I mean, to find meaningful connections.  The movie is based on stories by one Herminie Templeton Kavanagh.   The title of her book?  The Ashes of Old Wishes And Other Darby O'Gill Tales. Wow.  There is food for thought.

Maybe we could allow the ashes of our old wishes to just lie there.  They were once THE DREAM, the wish, the everything.  It was great.  It was all-encompassing.  It was going to last forever.  But it didn't.  And, you know, that is OK.  Ashes nourish the soil.  Rich soil grows all sorts of things.  Final thought?  

Don't bother looking for the greener grass when you're already on the side of the fence with the flowers.

Be happy, dear friend, and dear friends, and be ready for the sweet when it returns.

The difference between an ale and a lager

Here's a question I get all the time when I'm describing one of my newest creations. What's the difference between an ale and a lager?

Sometimes I'm a little surprised when people I know who are burgeoning beer enthusiasts are unaware of the difference between the two houses of beer, ale and lager. The essential difference is simply the type of yeast used to ferment the wort (beer before it's beer).

Ale yeast is the so-called top-fermenting (or top-cropping) yeast. Ale yeasts are so called because they float to the surface and ferment (and form a foam) at the top of the wort. Ale yeast typically ferment at ambient room temperatures (approximately 70 - 80 degrees). Ales typically are characterized as beer high in esters, which lends to the fruitier flavors. Ale yeast strains are used for brewing porters, stouts, IPAs, pale ales (pretty obvious), and much much more.

Lager yeast is the so-called bottom-fermenting (or bottom-cropping) yeast. They are best fermented at temperatures ranging from 45 to 55 degrees approximately. At these temperatures, lager yeasts grow less rapidly than ale yeasts, and with less surface foam they tend to settle out on the bottom of the fermenter. This is why they are often referred to as "bottom-fermenting" yeasts. Lager beers are usually characterized by a crisp clean finish, but the final flavor of the beer will depend on the strain of lager yeast used. Now there is also a process called lagering which is usually employed when brewing lagers, but is sometimes used when brewing ales as well. Lagering a beer involves dropping the temperature of the largely completed fermenting wort close to freezing for an extended period of time (weeks to months) in order to round out the flavors and lends to the crisp finish of most lagers. Some lager styles made from bottom-fermenting yeasts are Pilsners, Märzens, Bocks, and much much more.

I hope this was helpful.


Virtual Beer Tasting

West Coast? East Coast? No problem. The first ever Virtual Beer Tasting will be taking place Thursday September 9th @ 7:30 MST, calling all beer lovers to crack open a fresh one and share your opinions online.

Follow these steps:
1) Visit your local liquor store and purchase the Colorado beer of your choice - perfect excuse to try a new Left Hand beer!
2) At 7:30 PM MST (9:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM PST, etc) crack open the first beer in a resounding chorus heard around the web.
3)Sniff, taste, and write about your thoughts via one or all of these media: Twitter (use the hash tag #bbc10 and the one for the brewery and read all Tweets below), Facebook, Your Blog, or by commenting on the page of the Beer Bloggers Conference website.

For more details, please visit:
Can't wait to hear what you think....

Virtual Beer Tasting

West Coast? East Coast? No problem. The first ever Virtual Beer Tasting will be taking place Thursday September 9th @ 7:30 MST, calling all beer lovers to crack open a fresh one and share your opinions online.

Follow these steps:
1) Visit your local liquor store and purchase the Colorado beer of your choice - perfect excuse to try a new Left Hand beer!
2) At 7:30 PM MST (9:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM PST, etc) crack open the first beer in a resounding chorus heard around the web.
3)Sniff, taste, and write about your thoughts via one or all of these media: Twitter (use the hash tag #bbc10 and the one for the brewery and read all Tweets below), Facebook, Your Blog, or by commenting on the page of the Beer Bloggers Conference website.

For more details, please visit:
Can't wait to hear what you think....

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Beer Bus!

Did you miss your chance for tickets on this year's Brews Cruise?! Well, your in luck!

Beer Bus!

Did you miss your chance for tickets on this year's Brews Cruise?! Well, your in luck!

Black Jack Porter Cask Ale Promo @ Old Chicago Longmont

Black Jack Porter Cask Ale Promo
Wednesday, September 29th, 2010
Mallet drops at 3pm
Old Chicago Longmont
1805 Industrial Circle, Longmont, CO 80501

The days are getting shorter and cooler by the end of October. What better way to fortify yourself against the darker days ahead than with a robust dark ale. There will be a cask pin of Black Jack Porter tapped at 3pm and there are only 40 pints, so call it a day by 3pm and stop by for some goodness.

Black Jack Porter Cask Ale Promo @ Old Chicago Longmont

Black Jack Porter Cask Ale Promo
Wednesday, September 29th, 2010
Mallet drops at 3pm
Old Chicago Longmont
1805 Industrial Circle, Longmont, CO 80501

The days are getting shorter and cooler by the end of October. What better way to fortify yourself against the darker days ahead than with a robust dark ale. There will be a cask pin of Black Jack Porter tapped at 3pm and there are only 40 pints, so call it a day by 3pm and stop by for some goodness.

Left Hand Beer Tasting @ Proto's Pizza

Left Hand Beer Tasting
Tuesday, September 14th
Proto’s Pizza
A 4670 Broadway, Boulder, 80304

If you are not able to make the Great American Beer Festival stop by Proto’s in North Boulder for the Left Hand tasting. For $12 you’ll get 6-6oz pours from the following Left Hand brews; Polestar Pilsner, Haystack Wheat, Oktoberfest, Jackman’s Pale Ale, 400lb Monkey English style IPA, and Milk Stout. Proto’s North Boulder store has the sweetest patio in Boulder.

400lb Monkey Cask Ale Promo @ Boulder Cafe

400lb Monkey Cask Ale Promo
Friday, September 17th, 2010
Mallet drops at 7pm
Boulder Café
1247 Pearl St., Boulder, CO 80302

Friday night and a CU home game on Saturday, you know Pearl Street is the place to be. Stop by the Boulder Café’ and get a pint of the 400lb Monkey poured straight from the cask pin. Low gas, smooth, soft, big flavor, it is just delicious! Get there early for Happy Hour but don’t be late there will only be around 40 pints! Get a Left Hand Logo pint glass with your first pint and there will be prizes.

Left Hand Beer Tasting @ Proto's Pizza

Left Hand Beer Tasting
Tuesday, September 14th
Proto’s Pizza
A 4670 Broadway, Boulder, 80304

If you are not able to make the Great American Beer Festival stop by Proto’s in North Boulder for the Left Hand tasting. For $12 you’ll get 6-6oz pours from the following Left Hand brews; Polestar Pilsner, Haystack Wheat, Oktoberfest, Jackman’s Pale Ale, 400lb Monkey English style IPA, and Milk Stout. Proto’s North Boulder store has the sweetest patio in Boulder.

400lb Monkey Cask Ale Promo @ Boulder Cafe

400lb Monkey Cask Ale Promo
Friday, September 17th, 2010
Mallet drops at 7pm
Boulder Café
1247 Pearl St., Boulder, CO 80302

Friday night and a CU home game on Saturday, you know Pearl Street is the place to be. Stop by the Boulder Café’ and get a pint of the 400lb Monkey poured straight from the cask pin. Low gas, smooth, soft, big flavor, it is just delicious! Get there early for Happy Hour but don’t be late there will only be around 40 pints! Get a Left Hand Logo pint glass with your first pint and there will be prizes.

Twin Sisters Double IPA Release Party @ West End Tavern

Twin Sisters Double IPA Release Party
Thursday, September 30th, 2010
West End Tavern
926 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO 80302

On this special night we will have Twin Sisters on draft and we will tap a cask pin of the “girls” at 6pm. The staff at the West End are beer enthusiasts and a lot of fun to be around, so you should come around as well and enjoy the fun and the beer. As always there are only about forty pints so don’t delay!

Twin Sisters Double IPA Release Party @ West End Tavern

Twin Sisters Double IPA Release Party
Thursday, September 30th, 2010
West End Tavern
926 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO 80302

On this special night we will have Twin Sisters on draft and we will tap a cask pin of the “girls” at 6pm. The staff at the West End are beer enthusiasts and a lot of fun to be around, so you should come around as well and enjoy the fun and the beer. As always there are only about forty pints so don’t delay!

Starksky & Scotch Cask Ale Promo

Starksky & Scotch Cask Ale Promo
Monday, September 13th, 2010
Mallet Drops at 6pm
West End Tavern
929 Pearl Street
Boulder, Co 80302

This is a hell of way to kick off GABF week in Boulder county. The evening will feature three versions of Starksky & Scotch the winning submission in the Scotch Ale category of the 2010 Indian Peaks Pro Am brew competition. There will be a keg of regular draft, a keg of bourbon barrel aged draft, and a firkin of bourbon barrel aged (the oak bourbon barrels provided by the West End from their house proprietary bourbon) . The name is a play on the brewer Wayne Stark and the popular detective show from the 70’s. So come on out to the West End Tavern and get there before 6pm when the mallet drops, and remember there are only about 74 pints. Anybody have access to a 1976 red Starsky & Hutch Gran Torino?

Starksky & Scotch Cask Ale Promo

Starksky & Scotch Cask Ale Promo
Monday, September 13th, 2010
Mallet Drops at 6pm
West End Tavern
929 Pearl Street
Boulder, Co 80302

This is a hell of way to kick off GABF week in Boulder county. The evening will feature three versions of Starksky & Scotch the winning submission in the Scotch Ale category of the 2010 Indian Peaks Pro Am brew competition. There will be a keg of regular draft, a keg of bourbon barrel aged draft, and a firkin of bourbon barrel aged (the oak bourbon barrels provided by the West End from their house proprietary bourbon) . The name is a play on the brewer Wayne Stark and the popular detective show from the 70’s. So come on out to the West End Tavern and get there before 6pm when the mallet drops, and remember there are only about 74 pints. Anybody have access to a 1976 red Starsky & Hutch Gran Torino?

Left Hand Beer Dinner @ Ruths Chris Steakhouse, Savannah

Left Hand Beer Dinner
September 29th, 6pm
Ruths Chris Steakhouse
111 West Bay Street
Savannah, GA 31401

You know Craft Beer is on the rise when a major steakhouse like Ruths Chris is starting to embrace good beer and challenge their great chefs to execute a beer dinner. We are truly excited to see what they come up with … oh and Savannah in the Fall is not so bad either.

Left Hand Beer Dinner @ Ruths Chris Steakhouse, Savannah

Left Hand Beer Dinner
September 29th, 6pm
Ruths Chris Steakhouse
111 West Bay Street
Savannah, GA 31401

You know Craft Beer is on the rise when a major steakhouse like Ruths Chris is starting to embrace good beer and challenge their great chefs to execute a beer dinner. We are truly excited to see what they come up with … oh and Savannah in the Fall is not so bad either.

Charlotte Oktoberfest

Charlotte Oktoberfest
September 25th, 2pm – 6pm
Metrolina Tradeshow Expo

There is no denying that Charlotte is becoming a beer town. This fest gets better and better each year. Come get a great mix of all the local NC brews along with your favorite Left Hand offerings.

Charlotte Oktoberfest

Charlotte Oktoberfest
September 25th, 2pm – 6pm
Metrolina Tradeshow Expo

There is no denying that Charlotte is becoming a beer town. This fest gets better and better each year. Come get a great mix of all the local NC brews along with your favorite Left Hand offerings.

High Country Beer Fest

High Country Beer Fest
Broyhill Inn and Conference Center
September 4th, 3pm – 7pm
755 Bodeneimer Drive
Boone, NC 28607

Left Hand loves to participate in this festival. All of the proceeds benefit local charities and go towards the brewing science program at Appalachian State University. Plus while the temperatures in the rest of the south are still reaching the mid 90’s … lets get up in the high country and kick back some great suds and enjoy the beautiful surroundings.

Emerald Coast Beer Festival

Emerald Coast Beer Festival
September 10th, 5:30 – 8:30
Seville Quarter
130 East Government Street
Pensacola, FL 32501

From the mountains to the beach … nice back to back weekends in the beer business. Pensacola in September yes I know life is tough. This has become one of the better beer festivals in the south. Really educated laid back adult crowd.

High Country Beer Fest

High Country Beer Fest
Broyhill Inn and Conference Center
September 4th, 3pm – 7pm
755 Bodeneimer Drive
Boone, NC 28607

Left Hand loves to participate in this festival. All of the proceeds benefit local charities and go towards the brewing science program at Appalachian State University. Plus while the temperatures in the rest of the south are still reaching the mid 90’s … lets get up in the high country and kick back some great suds and enjoy the beautiful surroundings.