Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Virtual Beer Tasting

West Coast? East Coast? No problem. The first ever Virtual Beer Tasting will be taking place Thursday September 9th @ 7:30 MST, calling all beer lovers to crack open a fresh one and share your opinions online.

Follow these steps:
1) Visit your local liquor store and purchase the Colorado beer of your choice - perfect excuse to try a new Left Hand beer!
2) At 7:30 PM MST (9:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM PST, etc) crack open the first beer in a resounding chorus heard around the web.
3)Sniff, taste, and write about your thoughts via one or all of these media: Twitter (use the hash tag #bbc10 and the one for the brewery and read all Tweets below), Facebook, Your Blog, or by commenting on the page of the Beer Bloggers Conference website.

For more details, please visit:
Can't wait to hear what you think....

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