Thursday, October 22, 2009


Is it just me, or is October THE BEST FREAKING MONTH OF THE YEAR?!?! Not only is it fall, the time of harvest, crisp winds, brisk nights, hoodie weather days, pumpkin bread, zucchini bread, spiced chai, it's home of OKTOBERFEST! Strangely, the original Oktoberfest had little to do with the drunken debauchery that it stands for today- that was just a happy accident. San Diego is home to quite a few of the largest Oktoberfests around, and while the big crowds head to La Mesa, the actual Germans and enthusiasts alike head to El Cajon every year for one of the best gatherings around.

Bowen and I are enthused about what we are about to experience. He's got attendance on me, however, as someone who drinks beer and eats meat, I think I feel a little more at home.

A great Bavarian band graced us with their tunes, and the German dancers never seemed to stop!

Believe me when I say that this brat (extra sauerkraut, extra spicy mustard) and Hofbrau brew NEVER tasted as good as it did then. It's all about the atmosphere...

There was an abundance of German pastries (an entire tent dedicated to their sweets!) and while I'm familiar with a few standards like apple strudel and Black Forest cake, I'd never heard of poppyseed cake. It was unbelievably sweet and crumbly, moist and dense and totally delicious. It had faint twinges of phantom chocolate, although there was nary a cacao bean to be found. An absolute delight.

Ashton was jealous of my brat and decided to retaliate by getting a pretzel the size of his torso. This gigantic monstrosity seemed well worth the price, and I feel confident stating that it could feed a family of four.

Alas, the season for 'festing is over all too soon, but it's never too early to start thinking of next year!

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