Friday, December 24, 2010

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree...

For the last three years, Gary and I have wanted to get a Christmas tree; this year, we made it happen. As I unsnapped the plastic storage container marked "Christmas" in big black Sharpie, the first two ornaments I saw were reminders of my life in San Francisco. One thing cancer makes you acutely aware of is that time is limited, which is why I decided to ask my mom for a very special Christmas present this year; specifically, I asked her to split airfare with me back to California. So this February, my best friend from NJ (Christine) is going to San Francisco with me to meet my best friend from my time working at Riordan (Diana) - it will be an incredibly special and fun-filled few days. Then, off to San Diego to spend two days with Christine, my mom, step-dad, sister and dogs. I've put off this trip for too long - I can't wait for part of my New Jersey life to meet up with my California past.

Ornaments: San Francisco Trolley and Riordan High School, SF

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