Friday, March 4, 2011

Christine's San Francisco "Firsts"

Christine and I took over 250 pictures during our trip to San Francisco, and we thought that a fun way to recap the entire 3 day visit with my friend Diana would be to highlight a few of the "firsts" Christine experienced during our adventure. So get comfortable, scroll down, and enjoy.

Airline Firsts

First Time Flying ...
Virgin America Airlines
Southwest Airlines
Without Sedatives!
In an Exit Isle
Picture Taken By Christine
On Flight from JFK to SFO

San Francisco Sight-Seeing Firsts

First Time Seeing ...
Sea Lions
Bay Bridge
Golden Gate Bridge
SF Neighborhoods
City Lights Bookstore
Amoeba Music
Haight Street
The "Real" Ghiradelli (Disney World doesn't count!)

Bay Bridge

Ocean Beach - the Pacific Ocean

Cliff House Lookout: Golden Gate Bridge

Shopping on Haight Street

Fisherman's Warf

Firehouse Firsts

First Time ...
Meeting a SF fireman (Diana's friend)
Riding in a firetruck (to a cafe in North Beach no less!)
Touring a firehouse

...while we didn't use the pole, we did confirm that it is indeed faster than taking the stairs

Food Firsts

First Time Eating...
Ethnic Food: Vietnamese, Indian
Sweets: Kara's Cupcakes, Sees Candy, Chocolate-Banana Bread Pudding, Sharffenburger Chocolate, Julian Pie
Beer: Weihenstephan
Coffee: Blue Bottle, Pete's Coffee
Fast Food: In and Out Burger

Dinner at Ana Mandara
Vietnamese Restaurant

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