Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Zoolander 2 Update

Posted by James Battaglia on

In Zoolander,the really, really, ridiculously good looking male model Hansel (Owen Wilson) tells a story about a time he fell while rappelling down Mt. Vesuvius. Luckily, that incident was just a peyote hallucination. In a recent interview with MTV, however, Wilson hinted that there may be a more serious injury in store for his character in Zoolander 2.

“Hansel, he’s fallen on hard times,” Wilson said during the press junket for The Big Year, his upcoming birdwatching comedy with Jack Black and Steve Martin. “There’s been a disfiguring injury.” He wouldn’t elaborate any further, except with the tease, “Think Vanilla Sky“.

Uh oh.

Vanilla Sky stars Tom Cruise as a man who wears a mask in public because of a facial disfigurement. Will Hansel wear a similarly expressionless mask in Zoolander 2? Will his facial disfigurement be serious? We do know that the film will find Derek Zoolander and Hansel in their 40s, past their modeling prime and at an all time low. Still, Wilson sees Hansel as something of an optimist. Check it out below, followed by the video

“Even if he isn’t the number one guy, I think he still carries himself as if,” Wilson said. “He’ll still have that Hansel swagger.”

Slashfilm caught up with Ben Stiller to find out more about the progress of what Wilson calls Zoo 2 or Twolander.

Where it’s at is we’ve completed the script, Justin Theroux and I, and handed it into the studio. Now the studio has the script and we’re at that point where we’re waiting to see what they want to do. It’s ten years later and most of it is set in Europe. I don’t want to give away too much, but it’s basically Derek and Hansel ten years later – though the last movie ended on a happy note a lot of things have happened in the meantime. Their lives have changed and they’re not really relevant anymore. It’s a new world for them. Will Ferrell is written into the script and he’s expressed interest in doing it. I think Mugatu is an integral part of the Zoolander story, so yes, he features in a big way.

That’s all the info we have for now. If we’re lucky, Zoolander 2 will go into production in time to hit theaters in late 2012.

Is a Zoolander sequel a good idea, or will it spoil the first movie?

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