Sunday, December 7, 2008

In N Out

We had a bit of an unconventional brunch today, due to the "day after" festivities of my cousin Stewart's 24th birthday party. Last night (and most of the day for that matter) was spent sitting on our fat butts watching TV and eating truly delicious pizza from Papa Toni's in Encinitas as everyone nursed their hangovers and stuffed their faces.

Anyway, since this morning our tum tums were still full of num nums, we lazed about during the regular brunching hour and went to The North Park Craft Mafia Holiday Hit List in Point Loma. (Hop over to my other blog, the newly re-vamped Design Bunny, for all the details).

On the way there, we spied an In-N-Out burger, and I guess we had both silently made up our minds that that was the answer to our brunching needs.

I got my usual Cheeseburger and Ashton his usual Double Double, splitting fries and a drink. Since we recently discovered their Not So Secret menu, I was delighted at the option of adding pickles to my already delicious burger. Next time we're going to have to try it Animal Style, which I'm sure will cause massive indigestion, but I feel as though it's a risk worth taking.

I've learned that often times the food that looks the grossest tastes the best. I'm sure this case that is no exception. Plus the fact that picture was taken from a website called "Gluttonopia" is a clearly a sign from God.

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