Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hokie Victory, IPA Joy, and Carbonation Woe

Mrs. HolzBrew and I had some friends over to watch VT play UNC on ESPN. The game was fantastic, despite an early Carolina lead the Hokies came roaring back in the third quarter and that's all she wrote. As Natie always reminds me, we are a second half team.

The VT game was a great chance to unleash the Hopping Mad IPA and see what everyone thought. For the most part the reviews were positive. Most people went back for seconds, or even thirds. Lot's of citrusy flavors and all around hoppiness!

At half time I broke out a bottle of my holiday ale, reindeer games. Again I think it was well received. It is a Golden Strong ale in a similar vein to Duvel. I also broke out a bottle of our Noir Favorite Ale (a belgian dark ale blended with Framboise). I corked the bottles two weeks ago and they weren't exactly carbonated yet. We'll have to see if a couple more weeks does the trick or will I need to take more extreme measures? Hopefully the yeast is just slow moving. Otherwise it will be a pain in the arse to pitch new yeast in such a small batch (only a 2.5 gallon batch) and then recork the bottles.

Let's go Hokies,


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