Saturday, February 26, 2011

SFO to JFK: Home Bound

After 5 days in California, Christine and I are home with a lot of fantastic memories. We took Virgin America from SFO to JFK, and Christine was amazed that they had individual touch screen monitors on the back of every seat. Of course, one could use these little personal media portals to access such humdrum entertainment options as watching television programs or movies on demand... but we opted to use its map feature, which tracked our plane's progress as it made its way across the United States, while providing up-to-the-minute flight details such as altitude, temperature, speed, and distance remaining. We also used the touch screen to order snacks: an "adult drink" for me, a Ghiradelli hot chocolate for Christine, and chocolate chip cookies for us to share.

As we sipped our drinks and munched on our cookies, we began brainstorming plans for our next adventure... Alaska anyone?

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