Tuesday, April 12, 2011

MRI Results

Dr. Nash called yesterday evening to let me know that the MRI scan looked normal. YES!! Now, as long as the cardiologist doesn't find any leaking valves on my echo, we can safely eliminate carcinoid syndrome as the cause of my other symptoms.

UPDATE April 12th: I spoke to Dr. Nash, who called me in between his surgeries today. (This guy deserves a bronze statue in Sloan Kettering's hall of fame.) He explained the CT and MRI results a little more in detail. I have two small cysts on my liver that were not in my previous CT scan. This is not unusual, because CT pictures are taken in intervals - so they can miss things. He just wanted to make sure they weren't new growths or changing, and the MRI delivers a much clearer image for monitoring purposes. (To read more about diagnostic CT and MRI imaging of benign liver cysts, click HERE.)

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