Sunday, June 19, 2011

Weekend Warriors (Extreme Edition)

Over the the past three months, Gary and I have participated in some pretty "extreme" weekend warrior events; below are some brief highlights:

Event: Relay for Life
Participants: Gary, Christine, Chaya and myself (and some of my friends from work)
Date: June 17-18
Task: Relay team members must walk continuously around a track from 7 pm to 7 am; proceeds benefit American Cancer Society

Event: 5 Boro Bike Tour
Participants: Gary and Christine
Date: May 1, 2011
Task: bike (with 30,000 other bikers) 42 miles of car-free streets through all five boroughs of NYC

Event: Tough Mudder
Participants: Gary (and some of his friends from work)
Date: April 10, 2011
Map of Course: CLICK HERE
Task: 10 miles of obstacles including: slushing through mud swamps, climbing over butter greased monkey bars, running through live wires ... and many more. Proceeds go to wounded soldiers fund.

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