Sunday, May 30, 2010

Back in the USA

Meg and I are traveling the Pacific NW because she just graduated from her Masters program. She gets one last hurrah before starting a real job. We just spent three days in Vancouver. Vancouver was a beautiful city (see picture of a cloudy day in Vancouver), highlights included seeing grizzly and black bears up on Grouse Mountain, fantastic sushi, Granville Island, and hikes along the waterfront. Unfortunately the beer in Vancouver was pretty mediocre. We tried brews from many local establishments and the only place of note was Yaletown Pub.

Last night we pulled into Seattle and found a proper pint or two at Pike Pub and Brewery (their 'XXXXX Extra Stout' was life changing). It felt good to be back in the US, drinking American beer. We've got a couple of more days in Seattle and then on to Portland.



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