Thursday, May 6, 2010

Left Hand Brewing Tasting @ Di Bruno Bros.

Left Hand Brewing Tasting @ Di Bruno Bros.
May 12th
Di Bruno Bros.
930 S. 9th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19147

In 1939, after emigrating from Italy and working a few years in the ever expanding city of Philadelphia, two brothers, Danny and Joe Di Bruno, came together to open a small grocery in the Italian Market. For Danny and Joe, Di Bruno Bros. was first and foremost about family and community. "A smile doesn't cost you anything," Joe would tell his grandsons as they helped him open the store each Saturday morning. The brothers' store became a touchstone for the community, each customer that walked in the store was treated like family.

As time passed and the humble grocery grew, Danny and Joe reflected back to the European roots, shifting their focus from an everyday grocery to an imported gourmet food store. The shelves of the store were filled with imported cheeses, oils, and vinegars. Cured meats and provolone hung from the ceiling, left to age till perfection and to fill the store with an intoxicating and inviting aroma. Memories or great food and conversation shared with friends and family over long evenings at the dinner table inspired Danny and Joe to celebrate family and food with everyone they encountered; they became culinary pioneers for the community.

To this day, nothing compares to the Di Bruno Bros. experience. Danny and Joe's dedication to culinary pioneering still drives the Di Bruno Bros. of today to provide the most authentic foods from traditional, artisanal producers, and to inspire everyone who walks though the doors to nuture the relationship between food and family. Each cheesemonger, gourmet specialist, and customer serivce representative you encounter holds not only a passion for fine food, but the legacy of Joe and Danny Di Bruno close their hearts.

Di Bruno Bros. continues to be family owned and operated, with the original storefront standing proudly at 930 S. 9th Street in Philadelphia's Italian Market. Come and celebrate this historical open air marketplace with Left Hand Brewing as we pair our beers with some of the finest cheese and charcuterie in Philadelphia.

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