Friday, May 7, 2010

Dr. Garrett M. Nash, MD, MPH at Sloan-Kettering

I just received a call from Nicole at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Basically, the conversation went like this:

Nicole: I wanted to let you know that I received all of your reports, and I forwarded them to a colorectal surgeon Dr. Garrett Nash for review. He may require a colonoscopy before he sees you.

Me: Does he specialize in carcinoid cancers?

Nicole: Yes. I specifically worked with a nurse on that team and she recommended either Dr. Nash or Dr. Temple, but Dr. Temple is not in next week and I thought that you wouldn't want to wait that long.

Me: Is Dr. Nash in your New York office?

Nicole: Yes, they all are. (See below for explanation of "they")

Me: I am scheduled for a colonoscopy, but my doctor doesn't want me to have it until the day before surgery.

Nicole: Yes, I know. I see you have it scheduled for the 7th, and I told the nurse that but sometimes our doctors will not see you without one, so we are trying to get it approved.

Me: I see (long dramatic pause)

Nicole: I only work part time, but if you don't hear from someone in this office by Monday, feel free to call me on Tuesday.

**Pleasantries Exchanged - Phone Call Ended- Googling Commenced**

There are two names that have come up at Sloan-Kettering as carcinoid experts, neither of whom are Garrett Nash. However, Sloan-Kettering uses a team approach, and both doctors who have come up in association with carcinoid cancer treatment (Philip Paty and David Kelsen) are on the Team of Colorectal Experts along with Garrett Nash.

Dr. Nash's education includes both Harvard and Columbia schools of medicine - so I think it's safe to say that he's good (see below); let's just hope he'll see me without anymore tests.

MD, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons; MPH, Harvard School of Public Health

University of Massachusetts Medical Center; NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center

NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia and Cornell; Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

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