Sunday, July 4, 2010

2010 San Diego County Fair at the Del Mar Fairgrounds

Ah, the state fair. An American pastime that really brings out the Midwest in people! Fried foods, overpriced rides, neon lights, and plenty of cankles to be had. I've been to the Virginia State Fair before, so I figured that California was going to be a cakewalk, and with the theme this year being "Taste the Fair", how was I going to miss the festivities?!

We started off strong, and Andy and I enjoyed our first selection of chocolate covered bacon, which was surprisingly delightful! Large portions of thick bacon with sea salt sprinkled over the chunks- we definitely dove in head first with this one. After one piece, enjoyed under the hot sun, I was pretty ready for something a little more savory.

Fried pop tarts, fried butter, fried pickles, fried everything under the sun was displayed proudly, but our second choice of the day was cheese battered in corn dog casing and deep fried, as seen enjoyed by Felicia! Can you really think of any better way to marry the delights of cheese and the overabundance of fried?

At this point, I was ready for an actual dish with some real sustenance, and after scouring the fair for the biggest, spiciest, most loaded italian sausage I could find, I settled on one, smothered it in onions, peppers, and mustard, and scarfed! Andy decided a few greens were in order, and ordered an aptly-named Zucchini Weenie, which was a hot dog stuffed inside a hollow zucchini dipped in corn dog batter and fried. Phallic as it was, it was not depressing in any way.

Avocados are already filling enough as it is, so to have a basket full of the fatty, oily, delicious fruit's nutritional value completely demolished by MORE oil and heat, well, what's not to love?

A new friend.

At this point, I was nearing diabetic-coma status and inviting a heart attack, so I decided to end the day with something light- a deep fried Reeses cup. Nothing like a apertif to help settle the stomache! Ah, only in America.

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