Friday, January 15, 2010

Left Hand for Haiti

In light of recent events, Left Hand Brewing Company is hosting a fundraiser to raise money for the victims in Haiti.  "Left Hand for Haiti" will be hosted at the Left Hand Tasting Room on Thursday, January 21st from 5pm to 8pm.  We'll have a live band, food donated, a silent auction, proceeds from beers purchased, and a representative from the local non-profit, "Colorado Haiti Project.”

All donations, earnings from the silent auction, tips for the band, and $1/pint sold will go directly to the Louisville based Colorado Haiti Project, that has provided aid in Haiti for over 20 years.  Donations include authentic Haitian artwork and crafts, local handmade quilts and paintings, gift certificates for Longmont businesses, Left Hand Brewing beer and merchandise, and a “Brew Day at Left Hand Brewing.”  The Colorado Haiti Project is a state-wide non-profit organization founded in 1989 to extend aid to the poorest of the poor in a rural area called Petit Trou de Nippes, about 80 miles west of Port-au-Prince. CHP is supported entirely by donations from private individuals, foundations, and over 40 Episcopal churches in Colorado.

Thanks to Forrest Fleming of Instant Imprints, Mark Whan of Colorado Haiti Project, and local musician, Tom Cornwell for their efforts with this event. 

About The Colorado Haiti Project

The Colorado Haiti Project is a Colorado-based not for profit organization that runs a school with approximately 500 students, a normal school for 130 teachers in training, a women’s center training local participants in trade skills for market products, an extensive network of women health volunteers working on maternal health and reduction of infant mortality, and a recently installed system of wells throughout the region maintained and repaired by local teams who have been trained to perform these tasks.  It conducts annual medical, education and more frequent insight missions, and is involved in environmental development.  www.coloradohaitiproject.

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