Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Vacation from Cancer: Sea Isle City

(bottom) Gary on our porch in Sea Isle City (top) my friend Christine and I on our way to the beach

"There's an old saying that 'the pen is mightier than the sword.' We think it's also mightier than cancer." - Varian "Dear Cancer" Letter-Writing Campaign

In the past, Gary and I have shared a beachfront weekly rental in Sea Isle City, NJ with some of our closest friends. We were debating whether I'd be up to it or not this year, but ultimately decided that we needed to get away before we both went back to teaching in September.

We arrived Saturday, and it's been wonderfully relaxing for both of us. Overall, I've done really well - minus some cramping and bleeding around my wound.

Today was our first rainy day, so I took the opportunity to contribute to Varian's "Dear Cancer" Letter-Writing Campaign.

Basically, all you have to do is write a letter to cancer and post it at: Varian will contribute $50 to the American Cancer Society for every letter that you post. My letter (with trip details) appears below. It's a little corny - but for a good cause.

Dear Cancer,

Maybe you've been wondering where I've been? I'm on vacation. Less than a month ago, you forced me to have surgery; but now look at me!

I'm sitting on our porch in Sea Isle City, watching the ocean waves gently peel into foamy white lines, while hordes of mid-August sun worshipers (whose deep tans would make the Tropicana girl envious) wander amongst clumps of beach umbrellas, which - when opened - mimic a schizophrenically colored, bizarrely vibrant, giant flower garden in full bloom.

Down here, there are no doctors or needles, no injections or IVs, only the smiles of my friends and the occasional four-person yellow surrey peddling down the promenade. I eat whatever I want (she-crab soup, homemade peach cobbler, half a cheese steak sandwich ... not all at once of course) and walk wherever I want (even down to the water's edge). This proves that your powers of control are waning.

In fact, I'm having such a good time that I've decided to extend my vacation - from you - permanently. I hope to never see you again.

Marlena J.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Boardwalk,Sea Isle City,United States

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