Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Director Alex Proyas & actor Rufus Sewell could reunite for Paradise Lost

Story by Jared Pacheco on

Director Alex Proyas is the man that brought us THE CROW back in 1994. Because of that credit alone he will always get a thumbs up in my book. I don't even care about the rest of his credits - he's who we have to thank for THE CROW, and that's all that matters.

So it should go without saying that I'm looking forward to his upcoming feature PARADISE LOST, which is of course based on the classic John Milton poem. Chances are you're digging on this one too. And chances are you'll be digging on it even more after I tell you today's news!

Variety are reporting that actor Rufus Sewell is in negotiations to join the project. Why is this a big deal? Well if Sewell does sign on it would serve as a reunion for Sewell and Proyas considering the two worked together once before on the highly underrated DARK CITY. Unfortunately there's no word on who Sewell (above) would be playing, or even how close he is to signing, but at least it's something right?

PARADISE LOST tells the story of the epic war in heaven between archangels Michael and Lucifer, including the latter's role in Adam and Eve's fall from grace.

Bradley Cooper, Benjamin Walker and Djimon Hounsou are all signed on for PARADISE LOST as of now with a 2013 release date pegged. As this thing gets deeper and deeper into production I'm sure a lot more details will be rolling our way so be sure to check back soon for that!

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