Monday, August 29, 2011

NJ Pictures of Hurricane Irene

Flooded Road in Sea Isle City

After the 5.8 earthquake on Wed - Hurricane Irene hit Saturday night. Here are some pictures of Hurricane Irene's impact on parts of NJ. We were lucky; our power was only out for two days and we didn't have any property damage. Most of the roads, however, around our place were flooded - and we couldn't leave.

Outside Our Condo

(two of the many trees brought down in the hurricane)


(click HERE to see video of a Spotswood family getting rescued)

Parking lot of Immaculate Conception Church in Spotswood

Pictures of Milltown

(taken by one of Gary's students)

My cousin also took VIDEO FOOTAGE of the damage in Northern Jersey, by my uncle's place - his footage was used on News 12.

I love this picture of a boarded up place in Asbury Park - it reminds me of the picture I should have taken, but didn't... the house across from us in Sea Isle was boarded up and had "No Wake" spray painted across the planks - wish I had snapped that one.

This is the place next to ours in Sea Isle - we woke up Friday to the sound of a table saws (cutting boards) and at least 50 seagulls squawking out of their minds - flying in circles.

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