Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"Knight Rises" Batcave & Lucius Details

We know Wayne Manor is making a comeback in the upcoming "The Dark Knight Rises", now its been confirmed that The Batcave will also be returning albeit with a different look.


Wales Online reports that a few weeks ago director Christopher Nolan spent two days filming around the Henrhyd Waterfall in the Neath Valley, Brecon Beacons, Wales. Said waterfall is being used as the entrance to the Batcave by the production, and one insider claims it will be a part of the opening sequence of the film.

Said insider however mistakes it for being the "discovery of the Batcave" which we already saw in the first film. The previous waterfall entrance seen in "Batman Begins" was part of the Batcave set built at Shepperton Studios combined with miniatures. The new Batcave is being built on Sound Stage 30 on MGM’s lot in California.

Meanwhile shooting is continuing in Los Angeles and Morgan Freeman was spotted on set as Lucius Fox. It's said his scenes will involve both Bane (Tom Hardy) and Catwoman (Anne Hathaway), while he himself is trying to prevent a Tumbler from being stolen.

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