Saturday, September 3, 2011

Big Gay Ice Cream

(picture from NY Examiner article)

If you've never heard of a "salty pimp" before - you've probably never heard of the Big Gay Ice Cream Truck in NYC either. Thanks to our friend Christine (a fellow ice cream aficionado), the truck has been on Gary's and my radar for a long time - but they usually are only "rolling" on weekdays, so we've never been able to catch up with them. Today, however, was the grand opening of their Big Gay Ice Cream Shop - eliminating the need for weekly location Tweets and daily Facebook status updates.

We were in the City this morning anyway, so obviously, the logical thing to do was to walk 10 blocks and wait an hour in line to finally taste their iconic cone (salty pimp): vanilla soft serve, covered in dulce de leche sauce, sprinkled with sea salt, and dipped in chocolate.

Overall, I have to rate the ice cream a solid B. It was good, but all the flavor was in the topping... the ice cream itself was nothing more than Dairy Queen vanilla. While I'm glad that we finally had this NYC treat, it wasn't exactly the same ordering a salty pimp in a shop adorned with unicorn murals - instead of from a Good Humor truck on rainbow colored steroids. Perhaps these crazy inventive ice cream toppings (toasted curry coconut, pumpkin butter, key lime curd, wasabi pea dust, elderflower syrup) are more awe-inspiring when they come out of a slide window on four wheels rather than a brick and mortar shop. For my buck - I'll stick to the Wafels & Dinges truck, until something better rolls along.

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